The Tale of the Clam Ear
The Tale of the Clam Ear (AngelHouse Press, 2018) is a chapbook of narrative poems about a girl who crafts a personal mythology to overcome the shame of her disability. I wrote all of its poems and created the cover art. In Jan Conn's Arc Poetry Magazine review of the chapbook, she writes that Clam Ear offers "a strong narrative arc, poems tightly linked, replete with coral reefs, seaweed, and sea glass."
Find reviews and mentions of the chapbook in:
• Arc Poetry Magazine (Conn's review is only available in print.)
• St@nza (League of Canadian Poets) - page 12
I wrote a response to a brief note about ableism in the Arc Poetry review. You can find it here.
Find reviews and mentions of the chapbook in:
• Arc Poetry Magazine (Conn's review is only available in print.)
• St@nza (League of Canadian Poets) - page 12
I wrote a response to a brief note about ableism in the Arc Poetry review. You can find it here.